Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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But Taylor and Smith, with ragged ranks,
For Bales, for Bales; But Taylor and Smith, with ragged ranks,
For Bales, sa}rs I; But Taylor and Smith, with ragged ranks, Burned up the cotton and whipped old Banks,
" And we'll all drink stone hlind, Johnny, fill up the bowl."
Our "ring" came back and cursed and swore,
For Bales, for Bales; Our " ring" came back and cursed and swore,
For Bales, says I; Our "ring" came back and cursed and swore, For we got no cotton at Grand Ecore,
" And we'll all drink stone blind, Johnny, fill up the bowl."
Now let us all give praise and thanks,
For Bales, for Bales ; Now let us all give praise and thanks,
For Bales, says I ; Now let us all give praise and thanks For the victory (?) gained by General Banks,
" And we'll all drink stone blind, Johnny, fill up the bowl."